Co-evolving with nature
In this part of my website I am working on future world building. In this future world, we co-evolve with nature, while embracing and further developing our human qualities (e.g. purpose-driven, innovative, creative and collaborative). We need to support and learn from nature to survive and evolve ourselves. I use bio-based design, biomimetics, bio-mimicry, systems theory, and my own composed theory to create this world.
This world has several radical innovations, like living buildings, different organisation structures, and even new spiritualities. By applying the innovations I propose, this world was able to dissolve todays’ issues with biodiversity, the nitrogen crisis, the mental health crisis and adapts effectively to climate change. While in this process, we have evolved to be ourselves and experience a meaningful life, while stimulating nature to flourish.
Therefore, I do believe that the proposed innovations also offer our current society a serious path towards a better/utopian future. Below you can read all the articles ranging different topics. But you can also dive into experiencing this future world by reading the short story first. I would love to hear your thoughts and further develop and work on our future world together.
Living cities
These future cities are growing along with nature instead of working against it. I envision structures that are living. Growing living buildings that are coupled to the environment, seasons, and inhabitants. They distribute heat effectively, they shape along with the flow of water, and guide it to be re-used within the system. Buildings and streets change shape adaptively with the flow of traffic. Bio-based materials equipped with bio-based sensors communicate and interact with the residents. But there are many more ideas and advantages. In this article I further elaborate:

Holistic meaning and spirituality
In this future, we’ll look back at the developments in the early 21st century and how this gave a place for developing a new future that is build on sustaining communities with a deeper connection to nature, holism, and systems theory. New symbols, rituals, language, and buildings emerge that are more connected with a form of grounded spirituality and a different view on the world. Read more about it in this article:

Growing clothes
Read and see sketches of living and adaptable clothing that tells a stories and sustains itself and the wearer.

Holistic agriculture
Agriculture is cultivating and nourishing nature and we are a part of it. In the future, farmers focus more on the complete ecosystem and support its biodiversity and complexity, they nourish its balance. While we’re also realizing that humans are an interconnected part of the ecosystem. Together, this can be regarded as Holistic agriculture. Regenerative farming, rewilding, and soil treatment are the first steps to nourishing a resilient ecosystem. The second steps are to create tools that mimic organisms that efficiently and effectively solve the challenges of regenerative farming. While all in this process, the food forest and pleasure gardens become a big part of our lives. Leading to more experiential and integral, holistic agriculture. Read more in the article.

Organizations as super organisms
Human bodies are examples of organizations which have formed by nature through a de-centralized, multi-scaled way towards a complex dynamic system which we often coin as “organization”. An organization is a body that is coordinated and organized in such a way that is efficiently creates an interaction with the environment. I think we should embrace this way seeing organizations and see them as “superorganisms”. However, the next step is to make these organizations regenerative within the larger ecosystem that they live in.

Through working with the idea of organizations as a superorganism, and concepts in systems theory (such as patterns, adaptation, loops, and more), I created organization models that are focused on giving meaning to the environment and the employees. Read her about them

Adaptive transportation
I believe and hope for a future in transportation that is more efficiently and less individualized, more adaptive and works along with the energystreams of their environment. I believe in a transportation system where vehicles are adaptively coupled together making super-vehicles when necessary and change form/function with the environmental conditions.
I think we can learn a lot more from the way animals behave, so the vehicles below are an imaginative and fun example of that (biomimicry and bio-based design). I’m not such an expert in the mechanics of vehicles so use your own mind to think of a way that would work if these examples are incorrect.


We can learn a lot from nature when it comes to energy capture, distribution, and use. In this article, I will share my thoughts about future energy use.

Governance and guidance

I have done some work on developing a new governance model. Although I fundamentally believe we governance should be an inherent part of an ecosystem, there should be an institute, or “organism” that provides guidance to the ecosystem. This organ, is just as other organizations within the system nested within the whole.
I believe it should be more of an institute that guides, explores, and supports humans to the right direction of sustaining themselves and earth to flourish, instead of mostly punishing and restraining the ones who deviate from the collective.
It should also function to serve the whole, and work with the feedback from society to create and further evolve the whole.
If all is almost lost
If somehow we couldn’t find this direction and humanity has killed everything, every ecosystem, and the largest part of itself. Then not all is lost.
Then we can still use our ingenuity to make the ecosystems ourselves and restore balance. Then, we’ll have no other choice but developing our own animals, plants and insects in the lab using all the energy we have resourced.
We will need to draw our inspirations from now extinct species and search for seeds and everything that is left unspoiled to support us in our way out. It will be quite ironic, but quite likely.
The only path left for society of creating our own animals and ecosystems, by clever geo-engineering, artificial growth of plants, and developing living materials shaped into animatronic animals that develop their own consciousness, comes with all the accompanied risks.
Although I would strongly advice against this path at this current moment. It still gives hope for a future with beautiful new animals evolving from the own creativity of humans, that will shape our new society.
Want to make the future with me?
Want to draw or build your own future together with me? Want to design your clothes, houses, cities, or society through natural shapes and principles? Together we can make that work. I need people too. We can think, sketch, experiment, and build a future we would like to live in. I am in for making this happen. Shoot me a message!